Thursday, January 31, 2008

Watching movies the first time, every time

We created a little slogan here a while back when we first formed 420-Movies. It goes like this, "Watch a movie for the first time, every time."

You might wonder what that's supposed to mean. Well, we've noticed that when we're smoking, we often can watch a movie that we know we've seen before - but somehow not really remember clearly what will happen next or what the final outcome of the movie is. Strange how that might happen, right? ;-)

That being said, last night I decided to watch Pirates of the Carribean - Dead Man's Chest. I love these movies. Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow is just fantastic and the whole pirate world they create in these films is just incredible.

We saw The World's End a few weeks ago and during the whole film I kept wondering if we'd actually seen Dead Man's Chest. I couldn't remember much of what I would have seen anyway since it had been a few years...but somehow I couldn't remember anything leading up to this third part of the trilogy. S

So last night I was here alone because Happy was traveling, and I decided to give Dead Man's Chest a try to see if I recalled anything. As it turns out, I didn't remember it at all. That's doesn't always mean a lot since I don't really recall most of the details of a film until the second or third viewing...but this was one film I couldn't remember at all. So I asked Happy about it on the phone and he didn't remember anything apparently we just skipped a film. Not that it really can almost watch them in any order but it does fit together much better when you've seen the second one since they lead right into each other...

Sorry for the rambling, just had to comment on that :)

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